Monday, April 13, 2020

The Corona Virus

The Corona Virus is spreading in all over world after China. What precautions should people take to avoid the corona virus spreading???

We all know that more than 185 countries worldwide have come under the grip of the Corona virus, which started in Wuhan, China. India is also one of the infected countries. Currently, people in India are also frightened by the corona virus.

Some very important things to avoid Corona Virus ...

1. Clean the things that are being used daily in your home and every person uses them. Such as - chair, table, switch, door and handle are used by everyone in the house, it must be sanitized.

2. Clean your hands by rubbing hands for 20 seconds with using water and soap.

3. Keep distance from the people around you. Must keep a distance of at least 1 meter. Get out of the house only to get more essential items or else stay at home.

4. While leaving the house, do apply a mask and keep a sanitizer together.

5. Do not touch your face, nose and eyes.

6. Keep away from eggs and meat. By doing this you will avoid infection with the corona virus.

7. Clean the mobile phone regularly.

8. Make a list of people who contact Corona in the event of infection or illness and share it with others. Avoid visiting sick people for the next time.

9. If you are ill yourself, avoid going out or going to places other than visiting a doctor.

10. Use of tissue in case of cold, cough and cold, try to sit less with the family.


These are some most important precautions by Corona Infection...

But Do you know that??

             Many of us have broken the constitution of God, that is why this situation is happening to us today. If this continues like this, then nobody knows that which types of viruses will be revealed and how many.

       Before some I found something On Social Media...
        The book "Way of living" and "Gyan Ganga" which are currently going viral on social media, in which the constitution of God is well explained.

         The writer of this book, Saint Rampal Ji claims that the epidemic like corona virus, cancer also will be ends. 

         I have not and never seen any saints or gurus who are making such claims till today. There is definitely something in them. All of us must read this book once.

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